2025 is shaping up to be a watershed year in food safety as organizations prepare for new federal traceability rules, respond to high-profile foodborne outbreaks, and integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into food safety solutions.
In today's ever-evolving food and beverage industry, cloud-based software has emerged as a transformative force.
From enhancing food safety and quality control to adapting to shifting consumer preferences and sustainability demands, cloud-based solutions have become indispensable tools.
“The food and beverage industry is undergoing a digital transformation. From large corporations to smaller, more flexible brands, companies are using digital technologies to collect more data regarding their workflow processes and to ensure safety and quality in food processing, packaging, and distribution,” explains Food Safety magazine. “Digitalization of the food and beverage sector includes the application of technologies such as smart sensors, cloud computing, and remote monitoring.”
The Transformative Impact of Cloud-Based Software on the Food Industry
June 22, 2023 posted in Sustainability, The Cloud, Technology
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, cloud-based software has emerged as a game-changer for the food industry as farm-to-table is transitioning to farm-to-data-to-table.
The power of cloud computing has revolutionized the $4+ trillion fresh and packaged food industry in many areas, enabling resilience, margin expansion, adaptation to shifting consumer demands, action on sustainability, and more.
Food and Beverage Manufacturing Trends to Watch in 2023
March 22, 2023 posted in Sustainability, Inflation, Food Trends, Supply Chain
Food and beverage manufacturing, like all sectors of the U.S. economy, is facing uncertainty in 2023 with a looming recession on the horizon.
NOAA’s National Seafood Strategy: Using Technology to Support Supply
February 16, 2023 posted in Sustainability, Technology, Food Trends, Supply Chain
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries released a draft of its National Seafood Strategy this month with a goal of getting more seafood on consumer’s plates thanks in part to using technology to modernize the supply chain and industry infrastructure.
“The strategy also responds to the unprecedented challenges facing the U.S. seafood industry, including climate change, the coronavirus pandemic, new technologies and other ocean uses, and significant labor shortages and aging infrastructure,” said NOAA Fisheries as it opened up a 30-day comment period on the draft.
A Look Ahead: Food Business Trends for 2023
October 06, 2022 posted in Sustainability, Lifestyle, Food Trends
As the nights become brisker and Halloween spirits sneak into sight, thoughts in the food industry turn toward candy, turkeys, and keeping America’s festive holiday tables fully stocked.
This is also the time of the year when food business experts break out their crystal balls and conjure up what will be the food trends to watch in 2023.
Food Sustainability: Farm and Food Collaboration is Key
July 08, 2022 posted in Traceability, Sustainability, Lifestyle
Food sustainability may be the hottest topic in the food and beverage industry right now with public expectations growing daily to “get it right” for the future of the planet.
Food Supply Chain Challenged to Creatively Meet Sustainability Goals
October 22, 2021 posted in Sustainability
The global supply chain’s mission of moving food from farm to market, and onto our nightly tables, sounds simple but can be quite complex with government regulations, transportation, communication, and other logistical issues at play.
A call for more transparency and tracking, previously pegged to food safety issues, has been reinforced as the food supply chain is challenged to creatively meet new sustainability goals and initiatives.
5 Solutions to Make the U.S. Food System More Sustainable
January 20, 2021 posted in Sustainability
Americans walking down their grocery aisle can select from a diverse abundance of low-cost foods to put in their carts so why would we worry about the sustainability of the U.S. Food System? After all, Americans spend less of their disposable income on food than any other country in the world, spending just 9.5 percent in 2019, according to the USDA, down from 17 percent in 1960.
The price at the checkout scanner, however, does not reflect the true economic, social, and environmental costs which impact the sustainability of the U.S. food system. To glean this true cost, we must understand agriculture production and consumption patterns.