Fresh Store

Fresh Store is an optional add-on module that enables your customers to place orders over the Internet, 24 hours a day. These orders are immediately synced with FreshByte Software into your system.
Fresh Store Features:
- The shopping cart saves product selected by the customer. Once the customer is ready to place their order, it is submitted to you automatically and immediately.
- Order History allows your customers to see expected orders, new orders, orders in process, and shipped and billed invoices.
- Many available settings for what your customers can see and order.
- Automatically scales for screen sizes, tablets, and cellphones.
- New catalog grid view with quicker order quantity, up/down arrow, mass add to cart, drag and drop grid columns, column sorting, and quick/default standard item views of catalog.
- The new cart features give the user ability to merge the cart, quantity, delete lines, and empty cart.
- Updated cart button/link to show total lines in cart and total amount.
- The user can filter by customer name in addition to customer ID.
- Store pricing now includes FreshByte Software discount logic.
The benefits of Fresh Store for Sales are:
- You can filter customer lists! (store customers & non-store customers), and select one to proxy /login as.
- Can return to customer list to log in as a different customer.
- Can change estimated line pricing in the cart: If a price is changed, the flag is set to 1 so that the price isn't automatically updated when imported into FreshByte Software.
- Can see additional item information ( the warehouse, market cost, and available quantity) from the cart by clicking on the "i" button next to the item code.
Proof of Delivery (POD) Scanned Documents
- If set in admin settings can click the document link next to the FreshByte Software invoice number from the order history page to automatically download the FreshByte scanned PoD documents to your hard drive.
Store Administration Pages
- All admin settings, except for Store for Sales settings in the personnel screen within FreshByte Software, have been moved to Store tables in the database and new admin pages on the web.
- Can log into Store as an admin from the same login screen as the customer login.
- Can setup general Store settings, SMTP setings, add/remove customers, reset passwords, change customer settings online from almost any device with a browser and internet connection.
Other Functionality
- Can use an email address as a Store user ID.
- Improved cart item searching. The user can type multiple words separated by spaces and each word is treated as a contains in the item code and item description search.
- Can assign customers to Item Groups as an additional Catalog and Cart filter.
- Separated sort and filter controls on the catalog page.
Watch the video for a glimpse of Fresh Store!