Live Sales App

Easily take orders on a Mobile Device
With the Live Sales App, sales orders can be taken on a mobile device while allocating lots remotely.
- Lots are allocated in real time.
- Orders can be taken on any AndroidTM or iOS device.
- Orders are seamlessly transmitted into FreshByte Software, once syncing is completed.
- Synced orders will be stored in order history.
- Full Pricing, which is identical to FreshByte Software’s pricing.
- Accurate Pricing for customers. Unlimited pricing updates can be performed through syncing.
- Standard and all item lists with default order unit of measure and unit pricing.
- Manual pricing is available to sales personnel.
- Live Sales App Users do not have to log in every time the program is launched. Login credentials will be remembered until the User Logs out of the app.
- Live Sales App Users are setup in a web administration portal (API Admin) and are linked to active FreshByte seller user ID’s.