Order Entry

FreshByte Software offers a number of sales order-entry (OE) options, all designed and proven to improve profit margins. Order Entry speed is essential in this industry and Fresh Byte Software's main order-entry screen is fast enough to allow telephone orders to be taken on a live basis. FreshByte Software's cash-desk order entry module enables walk-up clients to be able to quickly place and then pay for their order.
In order to increase the speed of order entry, data entry personnel can optionally display all items usually ordered by the customer, as the order is opened. This then requires that they only have to enter quantities, since all other information, including the customer's custom-item description and specific price per unit-of-measure, will automatically default into the order.
Order-takers can also instantly view the on-hand and due-in inventory information by item, as well as each customer's buying history.
Additional OE features include:
- Optional credit terms, credit limit and last order date validation at time of order entry.
- Catch-weight entry capability.
- Item substitution recommendations with or without price changes.
- Multi-ship-to capabilities.
- Note capabilities by line item, by sale order, by pick-ticket, by driver.
- Detailed sales reporting.