
FreshByte Software makes validating vendor invoices, vendor payments, and tracking advance vendor payments a breeze.
There is no re-keying of data! For example, inventory received in the warehouse automatically appears when entering a vendor invoice, ensuring that only valid data is entered as a payable.
Features include:
- The ability to quickly and easily match vendor invoices to received purchase orders.
- Validation of vendor invoices so that no invoice can be entered or paid twice.
- Invoice payment approval – full, partial and/or by vendor type.
- Check printing – single, batch, manual or payment via wire-transfer.
- Full bank reconciliation capability.
- Date-sensitive reporting: e.g., print aged payables listing for any date in the past.
- Cut down on administrative costs and increase positive cash-flow,
Eliminates the unnecessary data re-entry and ensures that only valid vendors, with authorized charges, are paid on due-date.